
An fserve for XChat

This sections describes how to use and operate TuxServe. Hopefully, this (along with the FAQ) should answer any and all questions you may have - but if i've missed something, or not explained something as well as you'd like, then please contact me and I will do my best to fix it. This document does not explain how to modify TuxServes' source code - that will be in another document which will come later - for now, you will have to work it out yourself (I have tried to comment as much of it as possible).

This documentation is only available in English, as that is the only language I am fluent in. If you wish to translate this, or want to request a translation, then please contact me.

Text like this indicates that that is a TuxServe command, to be typed into the XChat input box (where you normally type text to send to others on IRC). All TuxServe commands start with "/ts".

Text like this indicates that that is the output of the command you typed - eg, what TuxServe will display on the screen. All of this text is show in the currently active XChat window, but it is NOT sent to the channel - the only person who can see that text is you.


/ts help

This lists the main help categories:

This lists the main help categories - type "/ts <section> help", eg: "/ts config help".

general - General help and other commands
csaq - Show the sends and queues menu
config - View/change config/settings

/ts general help

This shows the general TuxServe commands:

General/other commands:
(Usage: "/ts <command>" - eg, "/ts on")

on - Switches TuxServe on
off - Switches TuxServe off
stats - Shows the fserves statistsics

These commands are:

/ts on

This switches TuxServe on.

/ts off

This switches TuxServe off.

/ts stats

This displays the statistics of TuxServe - this includes; the record send speed, the nick of the user who got this record speed, total number of files sent, total number of bytes sent, how many times the fserve has been accessed, number of DCC sends which failed, the version of XChat you are currently running, and the version of TuxServe you are currently running.

/ts pause

Pauses all sends from your fserve (stops them - but messages everyone you were sending to that it's just paused and will be resumed later) and stops new sends/queues from starting, and disallowing people to log into your fserve. Similar to switching TuxServe off.

/ts resume

Resumes sends/queues from a pause. If there were sends in progress as you paused it, they will restart as soon as this command is issued. This also works if you closed TuxServe/XChat whilst sends/queues were in progress, but don't have "auto_resume" enabled.

/ts csaq help

This shows a list of commands that deal with the fserves sends and queues: ("csaq" is an acronym for "Current Sends And Queues")

Sends and queues menu:
(Usage: "/ts csaq <command>" where <command> is one of the commands listed below)

help - Show this
show_sends - Shows all current sends
show_queues - Shows all current queues
clear_sends - Clears all sends
clear_queues - Clears all queues

These commands are:

/ts csaq help

Displays the above menu.

/ts csaq show_sends

Displays a list of all current files being sent via DCC.

/ts csaq show_queues

Displays a list of all files that have been queued.

/ts csaq show_users

Displays a list of all users that are currently browsing your fserve, or are connecting.

/ts csaq clear_sends

Clears the list of files being sent (but leaves the current sends running).

/ts csaq clear_queues

Clears the list of queued files.

/ts csaq clear_users

Clears the list of users. Not a good idea to use this when there are users browsing your fserve.

/ts csaq add_queue <nick> <file>

<nick> is the nick of the person you want to queue the file for, and <file> is the filename (and FULL path) of the file to be queued for the user. This adds the file to the end of the queues list. It also messages them to let them know it has been queued for them.

/ts csaq queued <#>

This sets the number of files queued. It's only really of use for debugging and fixing errors. It doesn't remove nor add files to the queue - it just changes the variable that stores the number of queues.

/ts csaq sending <#>

The same as above, but for the number of files currently sending.

/ts config help

This lists all the commands that are relevant to configuring TuxServe:

Config settings
(Usage: "/ts config <command>" where <command> is one of the commands listed below)

help - Shows this
list - Lists all the current config settings
set <setting> <value> - Sets the config setting <setting> to <value>
reload - Reloads the config settings from the "config.cfg" file
save - Saves the current settings to the "config.cfg" file

These commands are:

/ts config help

Displays the above menu.

/ts config list

Lists ALL current config settings for TuxServe (it's several pages long). Click HERE for a detailed look at these config settings.

/ts config set <setting> <value>

This is used to change the settings in TuxServe. <setting> is a setting listed in the output of "/ts config list", and <value> is the new settings you wish to use. These settings are not saved until you tell TuxServe to save them (see below) - so if you reload the config file, or close XChat, these new settings will be lost. Click HERE for a detailed look at these config settings.

/ts config reload

Reloads the config from the config file.

/ts config save

Writes the current configuration of TuxServe to the config file.

/ts display <channel>

Instantly displays your fserve advert in the specified channel - even if you've set it not to show in that channel. <channel> is the name of the channel you want the advert displayed in and it MUST be in the list of serving channels, else it will give you an error.

/ts ban <nick/host>

Bans the nick or host passed to it. If anyone with that nick, or anyone connected from that host, tries to connect to your fserve - they will be denied.

/ts unban <nick/host>

Unbans the nick or host passed to it.

/ts show_bans

Shows a list (to you - not the channel) of all the nicks and/or hosts that you've banned from your fserve.

/ts kick <nick>

Kicks <nick> off of your fserve. Their queues and sends will be unaffected - this will just stop them browsing your fserve. They will be able to log in again. If you want to stop them logging in, ban them (see above).

TuxServe and all of this site is (C)opyright 2004-2005 Aypok. Best viewed with your eyes, at 1024x768. Built with The Gimp and Screem on Slackware Linux. Best viewed in Opera. All hail the mighty Tux!