This is a basic explanation of what TuxServe is, how to install it, and how to run it.
TuxServe is an fserve ("fserve" is an IRC based file server) plug-in for XChat 2 on Unix systems. It's
written in C, and is released under the GNU GPL - meaning that it's not only free to all, you can get
the source code to it and modify it.
TuxServe will be able to do pretty much anything that other fserves can do; send and queue files for as
many users as you want, multiple triggers, serve in different channels with different adverts and
different triggers, @find support, etc. But it won't stop there! Oh no! TuxServe will have extra features
like; changing directories and requestings files by using tags instead of typing/pasting the
directory/file name; !voiceme and auto voicing of other fserves, a welcome-back system for welcoming
back friends who rejoin the channel; FTP and request adverts; XDCC servers; and many more cool features
that are to be added in later.
So, why did I create TuxServe if there are other good fserves out there? Although there are other good
fserves, they are all for mIRC on Windows - which of course is of no use to us who use XChat on
non-Windows platforms. There is 1 other fserve for XChat that I know of, and I used it for a while. But
it just didn't do all that I needed it to (plus it was no longer in development). So, I decided to write
my own...
Getting ready:
First of all, you'll need a copy of XChat 2 installed. You can get it from
Secondly, you need a copy of the TuxServe source (if you have a binary copy - use the instructions that
come with it). You can either get the release code from a SourceForge mirror - click
to go to the TuxServe files section. When you've downloaded this, extract it to a directory of your
choosing and proceed to the next step.
If, however, you want a more upto date version of the code, you can download it from the CVS repository.
A quick word of warning: although CVS is more upto date than the release packs, it isn't usually as
stable, and can have a lot of bugs. So only use CVS if you know what you're doing. To get the code from
the CVS repository, fire up a terminal, change to where you want the code downloaded to, then paste:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tuxserve login
When it asks for a password, just press enter. Then paste this:
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tuxserve co tuxserve
The files should then start downloading.
Make sure you're in the same directory as the code, then type:
That will compile the code and create a file called "tuxserve.so" in the current directory. If it gives
errors, please contact me with an exact copy of the errors.
If you use Mac OS X, then please use the command:
make xca
Installation is easy. Just type:
make install
That will create a directory in ~/.xchat2/ called "tuxserve", and then copy the needed files to there.
If you want TuxServe to start with XChat, type: (NOTE: it is not recommended that you do this until a
stable version of TuxServe is available - not that having it automagically load has any extra problems...)
make autoload
Load up XChat and click on the "X-Chat" menu, then the item called "Load Plugin or Script". Now find and
select the "tuxserve.so" file (only do this if you haven't set it to automatigally load). You should now
see some text in the current window, saying "TuxServe Loaded". If you see "The config file, "config.cfg",
cannot be loaded." then make sure you have copied "config.cfg" to the correct location. If you're
sure you've done it right, and it still doesn't work (or you get another error), please find me on IRC
(see the contact page) or email me with details.
The next thing to do is to type "/ts help" - this will list a basic help menu, which leads off to more
specific help sections. It should be pretty simple from there on in.
As always; if you have any problems, bugs to report, or ideas that you think will be cool - please contact
me via IRC (my prefered method) or via email. See the contact page for more information.